Photo Album: Bowing Wall Repair on Old Buena Vista Rd in Lexington, VA
This Lexington, VA home was experiencing a great deal of bowing on all four walls of their basement. System Designer, Danny Camunas, quickly assessed the home and provided a permanent solution of thirteen Carbon Armor supports and ten Power Brace supports. The homeowner was pleased with the solution.
Our Foreman, AJ Looney, and his crew came in and completed this project leaving the homeowner with the peace of mind knowing that their home's foundation was stabilized for good!
Bowing Wall in Lexington, Virginia
Bowing wall with horizontal crack
Carbon Armor strap
Completed installation of five Carbon Armor wall support.
Bowing Walls in Lexington, Virginia
Existing wall with several horizontal and stair-step cracks
Power Braces on Bowing Wall
Completed installation of six Power Brace supports